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Forever Finite Front Cover Image

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The Case Against Infinity


Infinity is commonly assumed to be a logical concept, reliable for conducting mathematics, describing the Universe, and understanding the divine. Most of us are educated to take for granted that there exist infinite sets of numbers, that lines contain an infinite number of points, that space is infinite in expanse, that time has an infinite succession of events, that possibilities are infinite in quantity, and over half of the world’s population believes in a divine Creator infinite in knowledge, power, and benevolence.

According to this treatise, such assumptions are mistaken.

The author makes a compelling case against infinity. Any defense of the infinite will find it challenging to answer the arguments laid out in this book. But regardless of the reader’s position, Forever Finite offers plenty of thought-provoking material for anyone interested in the subject of infinity from the perspectives of philosophy, mathematics, science, and theology.

“provocative…an intriguing read” — BlueInk Review

“profound in its reach” — Foreword Clarion Reviews

“wide-ranging and comprehensive” — Kirkus Reviews



by Kip K. Sewell


Format: Paperback

Size: 8”×10”

Page Count: 824

ISBN: 979-8-9881238-0-4

Publication Date: 1 August 2023

Available from:

Forever Finite is the first book of the Rond Project.

Further titles are forthcoming.


Commonly held concepts about the theory of infinity, whether from the philosophical, mathematical, or theological disciplines, are flipped on their head in the provocative book Forever Finite : The Case Against Infinity. Author Kip K. Sewell…posits that we would be better served by discarding the notion of an ultimate limitlessness and accept that areas of study that are dependent on that definition (mathematics, physics, cosmology, and theology) be redefined with the understanding that everything has a limit…his presentation is straightforward and accessible to a wide swath of readers…Overall, his arguments, though provocative, are crisp, logical, and well-presented…the accessibility of the author’s presentation and the text’s thoroughness make this an intriguing read.

BlueInk Review

Forever Finite explores concepts of infinity with a critical eye…examining notions of finity and infinity in relation to time, space, and the existence of entities. Its investigation is thus profound in its reach…original and thought-provoking…its thesis is intriguing. Though the text involves esoteric philosophical concepts, its terms and ideas are well explained and accessible.

Foreword Clarion Reviews

An extensively detailed philosophical case against the infinite...wide-ranging and comprehensive.

Kirkus Reviews

Forever Finite (Expanded Edition) Front Cover Image
Forever Finite (Expanded Edition) Front Cover Image

The Case Against Infinity


by Kip K. Sewell


The expanded edition is a free eBook version of the print edition, provided in PDF format.

For more information about this eBook edition, visit the author's website:

For your free copy: DOWNLOAD

